Sunday, December 8, 2013

How the Ranks Work

In creating the Guardians, I wanted to define them in a way that people could relate to. And, as readers of the Guardians will now know, they have a rank and command structure.
But, how does it actually work?
The books relate to the fact that department heads are among some of the strongest Guardians in existence. They have survived the transension process, shed their mortal frame, and become a being of pure energy and thought. "Ultra" is the term used.
Guardian Angels made the point that Earth had reach a stage in its social and psychological evolution whereby more and more people than ever before were breaking through into psychic operancy. And, as Guardians emphasized, more and more of those were achieving the level required whereby they could expand into an ultra magnified status. That is why the original, and much simplified, rank structure was revised.
It's setting the pattern for what's to follow in later books as more and more transcended Guardians make an appearance and fill posts that will be revealed. ( soon - patience)
However, that doesn't affect the Command Structure.
Quite simply, a department head is someone who has achieved the rank of Guardian Lord. If they are appointed to lead an actual branch within the Guardian infrastructure, they are still referred to as, eg, Lord Healer, Lord Inquisitor, etc, BUT, they carry the rank of a High Lord.
Their deputy is someone who has achieved the highest rank possible without triggering the transension process. High Grand Master.  You will remember from the books that the Lord Concilliator, Vladimir Arihkin's deputy is High Grandmaster Joseph West. That pattern is followed in all the other departments too.
The Overlord ensured such a framework was adopted, to safeguard unity. Both transcended and human Guardians are represented within the command structure, and have a voice in policy and development.
That will prove important in future years, as you will see.
So what about psychic abilities?

Are they real? Fictitious?
Why do governments and universities around the world expend so much time and effort on the research and development of a field that is so often scorned?
Do you think such capabilities exist?
Next time, we'll take a brief look into the world of Guardian abilities - and gain an overview of the remarkable things they can do.

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