Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Guardians - Ahead of our Time?

Recently, I highlighted an example where the fictional technology used within the Guardian Series is actually becoming a point of everyday science fact. Do you remember?
The HaSP. (Holographic Scanning Platform).
This week, I thought I'd highlight another fictional development from the series that now seems to be drawing a great deal of attention in the real world. That to do with synthetic tree/lung development.
In the book, our planet has become increasingly polluted by the build-up of industrial toxins. Many wonder how a natural balance with the environment can be engendered. To assist scientists in their endeavours, the Guardians open up areas of research that allow us to develop a system by which areas of high contamination, and indeed the atmosphere itself, can be purified with the use of artificial atmospheric scrubbers. Such devices vary in size, from superstructure edifices, down to much smaller units, positioned within - for example - art galleries, or subway stations. A lovely dream perhaps?
Well, look at this:
 This is just one of a number of projects currently being developed from around the world, whereby thought has been given to the quality of the air we breathe.
While other schemes concentrate on the use of plants, absorbent paper and other mediums, such as sea salt and ozone to improve the air, I thought this particular approach was extremely innovative and appealing.
Developed by Seung Jun Jeong, the Air-Tree sucks in dirty air at ground level, passes it through a number of special filters, and then pumps out the clean air at the top. And it's all completely artificial.

Another example of the world's true life developments being exposed to you first, through the pages of the Guardian Series.
Remember, if you want to find out more - just click on the links to the right. The science fiction of today, is the science fact of tomorrow.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Council - Shadow Criminals

Last week, we took a peek at some of the Guardians from book one, Guardian Angels, who stand out a little. Those whose abilities set them apart and raise questions.
This week, I thought it would be good to do the same with their arch-enemies, The Council.
After all, what is it about the council that sets them apart and makes them so dangerous?
Let's find out
Lei Yeung.
Born in 1940, in China, Lei Yeung is one of the most insidious, dangerous men you could ever meet. Motivated by revenge, he made his own way to Tokyo as a teenager, and deliberately insinuated himself into its gang culture. Normally, such a thing would never be allowed to happen. But then again, Lei Yeung isn't normal.
Blessed with a heightened sense of intuition, Yeung can sense when people are lying to him. He can fathom their true motives and impulses. That sensitivity, combined with a highly developed sense of intrusive telepathy, means he can push thoughts into another individuals mind in such a way that they truly believe those ideas are their own.
Such skills led to a meteoric rise within the Yakuza, and inevitably, the demise of enemy after enemy. Once invested as the leader of the White Tigers, he systematically set out to establish them as the strongest crime syndicate in existence, while establishing a secret power base of his own - The Council - staffed and headed by people like himself.
Those who accepted his leadership found themselves part of an increasingly powerful and influential society that grew to exercise control in virtually every aspect of peoples lives. Security, defense, health, developing technologies. Those who refused his offer were invariably never seen or heard of again.
You will come to know many of those chosen as leaders of the Council - the Apostles - as they are always keen to take advantage.
Luigi Esasito
A newly installed mafia Boss from Brolo, Sicily, Espasito is the latest member of his family to represent Council affairs throughout many parts of the world. A highly aggressive and obstinate man, Espasito is endowed with a powerful elemental ability that has come to epitomize his fiery nature.
Alexei Belikov
A long-time advocate of the Council's aspirations, Belikov hails from Kiev, in the Ukraine. Because he has a highly developed self-healing faculty, he has proven very hard to kill, and now represents Council affair throughout Russia 
Angelika Papadakos
Born in Greece, in1980, Angelika is considered by many to be Yeung's problem solver. She is telepathic, and can remote view for distances of up to a mile away from her position. What makes her so dangerous is that fact she has a highly developed succubus ability. She can literally drain the life from a person, whilst replenishing her own. This makes her the perfect assassin, as this everyday, girl-next-door will kill you as soon as look at you. And her victims never show any trace of the violence caused to them.
Harry Bing
Harry is an ex security officer for one of the biggest diamond mine corporations in the world. He was excellent at his job. Not surprising, as his highly developed telepathic and teleportation skills made him very hard to beat. Yeung has ensured those abilities now serve the aspirations of the Council, and himself in particular. As head of Yeung's personal security, Harry is a very handy person to have around.
These are just of the few of the people Yeung can call on. He has them everywhere. Sleeper agents, serving within various governments. In police forces. In research establishments.
You never know...Your next door neighbour could be one of them?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Guardians of Note

If you remember, the other week I mentioned that we would take a look at some of the Guardians who stand out. Have you ever wondered yourself who, apart from the Overlord, is distinguishable in some way?
You might think the obvious candidates would be selected from amongst the Guardian Commanders:
In some cases, you would be right.
For example:
 Victoria - the Lord Inquisitor - has the most refined and accomplished farsenses of any Guardian, apart from the Overlord himself. Her speciality is the ability to search out and communicate with other psychics over vast distances. She also possesses many other powerful gifts. And yet, she's been content to stay out of the limelight. Why?
Corrine Jackson - the Lord healer - possesses the strongest overall healing abilities ever seen in one person.
Jade Heung - the Lord Procurator - has a mind like a steel bear-trap. Her compulsive matrix is second to none, and has earned her the respect - and fear - of her peers.
Andrew - the Shadow Lord - is something of a mystery in Guardian Angels. He is incredibly powerful in a number of disciplines. Healing, redaction, precognition, elemental. And yet, he has never sought any position other than that of Shadow Lord. Why?
And not everybody is a commander.
Ben Williams is a name you don't see on the command list. And yet, he is one of only five Guardians known to possess the ability to manipulate energy at the quantum level. Although he cannot teleport, he can detect and assess the nucleic forces that bind reality together. Basically, he's one of a very few individuals who can't be surprised by someone teleporting toward him.
Naomi Cruiz is another Guardian you need to watch.
Although you are introduced to her in Guardian Angels, and get an insight into her unique ability to compartmentalize multiple scenarios at once, it's not until Guardians that you really begin to appreciate what she might achieve. Especially after she is appointed to the rank of Adjutant Marshall.
Two more people you'll have to keep an eye on, are Becky Selleck and Joshua Drake.
There's something very special about them you don't begin to see until Guardians.
But I'll tell you more about that in March.
Until then - see if you can guess why Victoria and Andrew are so reticent to step forward.
The clues are there - If you look.