Kalliste – A Worldwide Zoo of Discovery
Last week, I introduced you to Kalliste, and told
you a little bit about the conditions there. Here’s the map again, so you can
get an idea of reference.
Imagine, if you can, a world of endless virgin
forests, open grasslands, and mountains so high, it looks like they might
attempt to puncture the atmosphere. The seas and oceans are stark and majestic,
exemplifying the fact that Kalliste is a world of stark beauty and harsh and
rugged terrain.
Of course, the wildlife native to this planet
matches the splendor of such an impressive world. Here are some details lifted
from the initial report supplied by Deputy Marshall Anatt Yasin, to Guardian
Command, regarding some of the species encountered there.
Flora & Fauna:
At this stage, it has been determined that two of the continents, (Nerada and Paladin), are home to four of this planet’s five deadly predators, with those animals being common to both.
The ursine is best described as a combination of a grizzly and polar bear, but half again as big. It has been nick-named a Grylar. It appears to eat anything that moves and will have to be monitored closely. Studies appear to show it favoring deep woodland and high altitude.
There are three main families of big cats.
One is docile and appears to have some form of telepathic ability similar to that displayed by dolphins. It looks like a cross between a Jaguar and a Puma, being similar in size to the former. It is carnivorous, but loves company, and enjoys acting as a retriever of all sorts of objects.
We have affectionately dubbed it a Guappa.
It is susceptible to moods and as such, colonists will need to be strictly instructed as to how to act around them, as when aroused, this animal is capable of inflicting severe injuries.
The other two big cats are much more hazardous.
The first has been christened a Veran, a saber-toothed leonine that stands nearly six feet tall at the shoulder and which is blessed with leopard markings. It inhabits the grasslands and coastal regions and is an excellent swimmer, with many marine animals included in its diet. It appears a solitary animal, and so far has displayed an excessive wariness of humans which is to be initially encouraged.
It too seems to display a form of telepathy and would serve as an excellent future “guard dog” if we can instill in it an adversity to hunt humanoids. Thankfully, one of its favorite foods appears to be Silverstreaks, (see below), which may solve a number of problems for those eventually living in coastal areas.
The final big cat predator is similar in size to larger male tigers.
Called a Quincha, it looks like a cross between a tiger/cheetah/hyena and is twice as fast. They can cruise at seventy miles an hour and have the stamina of a marathon runner. So far, the top sprinting speed of this animal has been measured at one hundred and ten miles per hour.
As with the Grylar, they eat anything that moves, but appear to have a preference for carrion.
The final predator of concern is a reptile–a lizard we have called an Ozzaman. It looks like a small dragon, and can reach twenty feet in length. It will fly for very short distances if it has to and is an excellent swimmer. This beast can vent actual steam through its jaws that strips the flesh from its prey.
The oceans have massive variety of life–(precise enclosed – Appendix D). The only direct danger is represented by the aforementioned Silverstreak, a thirteen foot long eel that can cut through the water in excess of eighty miles per hour. It is highly aggressive and will attack sudden movement without provocation. Colonists are to be educated about the danger this genus represents.
However, caution must also be exercised in the presence of a species of fish christened a Shogun Emperor. It is an extremely venomous fish, the poisonous barbs being positioned along its fins. Although its diet consists of other fish and micro-organisms, it is extremely inquisitive and will brush along you if given the opportunity. This is not a sign of aggression. This species appears to say “hello” by doing just that. As such, extreme caution must be exercised in its presence, as the neurotoxin it delivers is indirectly lethal, inhibiting control of the muscles.
Fortunately we have only found this creature around the southern seas of the western continent, Viridian, where the currents appear to congregate them within a one–three thousand mile radius.
All oceans are home to a species of giant squid that measures in excess of fifty feet. Fortunately this creature is very shy, although inquisitive. If it does approach you, expect to be examined and fondled closely. (A very unnerving experience by all accounts!)
There are a number of mammalians which are plankton or fish eaters and so far we have not discovered an aggressive genus.
Apart from these examples, the only other predator of concern is isolated to Viridian. It is a bird of prey similar to an Eagle, which viciously attacks anyone or anything straying too close to its nesting sites along the western shores of that continent. We have christened them Fire-Strikes, as their claws secrete a naturally occurring acid that can paralyze its victims. Fortunately, their largest prey appears to be sheep-sized bovines plentiful across the entire landform.
So, there you go. I wish I was a better graphic
artist. I have pictures in my minds-eye that would really bring these creatures
to life. But, that’s where you come in. As you read the story, see if you can
visualize what these beasts would look like if you came face to face with one,
and how it would react. And then try to image what it would be like to have one
as a pet!
What would your choice be? A Fire-Strike? A huge
Veran, or your very own Ozzaman steam dragon?
Stay tuned. As the series progresses we’ll find out
much, much more of the remarkable worlds being discovered, and what it would be
like to live there for real.