The Guardians - Ahead of our Time?
Recently, I highlighted an example where the fictional technology used within the Guardian Series is actually becoming a point of everyday science fact. Do you remember?
The HaSP. (Holographic Scanning Platform).
This week, I thought I'd highlight another fictional development from the series that now seems to be drawing a great deal of attention in the real world. That to do with synthetic tree/lung development.
In the book, our planet has become increasingly polluted by the build-up of industrial toxins. Many wonder how a natural balance with the environment can be engendered. To assist scientists in their endeavours, the Guardians open up areas of research that allow us to develop a system by which areas of high contamination, and indeed the atmosphere itself, can be purified with the use of artificial atmospheric scrubbers. Such devices vary in size, from superstructure edifices, down to much smaller units, positioned within - for example - art galleries, or subway stations. A lovely dream perhaps?
Well, look at this:
This is just one of a number of projects currently being developed from around the world, whereby thought has been given to the quality of the air we breathe.
While other schemes concentrate on the use of plants, absorbent paper and other mediums, such as sea salt and ozone to improve the air, I thought this particular approach was extremely innovative and appealing.
Developed by Seung Jun Jeong, the Air-Tree sucks in dirty air at ground level, passes it through a number of special filters, and then pumps out the clean air at the top. And it's all completely artificial.
Another example of the world's true life developments being exposed to you first, through the pages of the Guardian Series.
Remember, if you want to find out more - just click on the links to the right. The science fiction of today, is the science fact of tomorrow.
Another example of the world's true life developments being exposed to you first, through the pages of the Guardian Series.
Remember, if you want to find out more - just click on the links to the right. The science fiction of today, is the science fact of tomorrow.